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Navesink International is the premier expert witness firm for financial markets. We help the most prominent law firms win complex cases by providing expert witnesses with the highest quality and the strongest technical knowledge.
Our team of experts provides the necessary and relevant services including analysis of the facts of the case, discovery review and suggestions, review of the arguments’ technical strengths & weaknesses, expert witness reports and depositions as well as expert witness testimonies.
We cover a wide range of topics through our in-house experts and our financial markets network of C-level industry professionals. Our depth of expertise, our experience and our resources allow us to handle the largest and most technical cases for the duration.
Navesink International’s uniquely qualified experts are all industry veterans who can cover the most complex topics and cases in the securities industry. All our experts are selected based on peer recommendations and vetted before representing Navesink International.
We take pride in representing the highest quality expert witnesses with the strongest
technical knowledge and we do not employ consultants or junior expert witnesses.
We explained the strategy, risks and responsibilities of a multi-strategy multi-asset exotics portfolio manager embroiled in an employment dispute.
We recalculated the value of an option portfolio continuously in a fast market, proving that an account was closed while positive.
We reverse-engineered a bond convertible into warrants, calculated its ex-ante and realized rates of return, proving that the loan was usury.
We explained the option trades of a rogue broker affecting a large number of client accounts, facilitating a FINRA investigation.
We explained how an ETF arbitrager failed to properly re-hedge his portfolio during an index composition change.
We explained the errors in the international settlement of a warrant trade, demonstrating which party was responsible for the failed exercise.
We explained linguo and communication standards between traders in a contractual dispute.
We explained how a combination of trades constituted an exotic Formosa structure, correctly reducing a corporation‘s income tax.
We explained how a prime broker used the wrong risk methodology and ignored industry standards when monitoring a hedge fund, demonstrating that the fund was unduly closed.