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Tag: Investing

Investments & markets
More about Robinhood... Massachusetts' Enforcement Division filed a complaint about - its aggressive growth tactics, - the firm's outages and disruptions, which were well known and...
Investments & markets
Robinhood has just been fined $65m for overcharging its customers, despite trades being free of charge - the company sells its order flow, and the net...
Investments & markets
Goodhart’s Law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. The Sharpe ratio has changed investor behavior. We chase the metric...
Fridges are the new rocket science... IBM's target of a million-qubit requires the biggest and coolest fridge ever. The article is also a good overview of...
Investments & markets
If you are not in the RIA space, you may have missed a profound change in the area. Robo-advisors are taking a solid market share, and...
Investments & markets
Nope, portfolio managers shouldn't keep the best trades for themselves (at the expense of other investors). BlueCrest moved its best traders into a management-owned fund, and...
Investments & markets
Most day traders on Robinhood lose money. Actually, maybe 0.5% of day-traders earned more than the initial salary of a bank teller. A large body of...