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Tag: Risks

Investments & markets
There are structural issues in both the crypto and regulated worlds. But how deep and how frequent are they? Here is a review of Cryptos' pros...
Investments & markets
A summary of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, with a visualization that is a pleasure to the eyes....
Investments & markets
Robinhood has demonstrated and deleterious effects on day traders, including enormous tax losses, suicide, anxiety, addiction. Meanwhile, the firm is the subject of major regulatory and...
Investments & markets
Non-Fungible Tokens are the new asset class of digital art, and the spearhead of 'decentralized finance'. Can with reconcile innovation with good sense? NFTs with regulations?...
Investments & markets
This week saw some really unusual moves, 10Y repo, intraday volatility, stock rotations, A harbinger of more volatility to come?...
Investments & markets
Goodhart’s Law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. The Sharpe ratio has changed investor behavior. We chase the metric...
Investments & markets
If you lose money in trading, your broker can and will go after your assets, including your personal assets. In fast markets, this happens even more...

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