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Tag: Manipulation

Regulation, enforcement & litigation
"It’s unconscionable that FINRA would stack the deck against American investors", says PIABA, the plaintiff attorney association. A judge has excoriated FINRA for having helped Wells...
Regulation, enforcement & litigation
NatWest has admitted to market manipulation to the SEC. The guilty admission will cost much more than the $35m fine. It may become the SEC's new...
Regulation, enforcement & litigation
You always see the glitz around hedge fund portfolio managers - the parties, the mansions, the cars and the boats. It's not always like that. This...
Investments & markets
There are structural issues in both the crypto and regulated worlds. But how deep and how frequent are they? Here is a review of Cryptos' pros...
Regulation, enforcement & litigation
When you are spoofing gold futures, don't brag about it in chat rooms. A few gold futures traders got one year in the clink for market...
Investments & markets
LIBOR, the most important number in the world, had a good run for the last 50 years, but it is going away. SOFR, its replacement, is...
Investments & markets
The risk manager who blew the whistle on Deutsche's Libor manipulation is entitled to a $100m award. That's a problem. It would empty the coffer for...

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